Responsible Service of Alcohol

Topic 3. Impact of alcohol

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3.1 Community health and alcohol

What effect does alcohol have on you when you drink and how does it affect the community.

Let’s find out how alcohol can impact on both personal and community health.

People sitting in a bar

People drink alcohol for a variety of reasons, including the experience of relaxation, wellbeing and loss of inhibitions. The social and psychological benefits of alcohol may also include enhanced creativity and a therapeutic value in times of stress. It can provide relief from self-consciousness and help boost confidence in social situations. In some countries there is a belief that alcohol in moderation, particularly wine when consumed with food, will aid digestion and lower the risk of heart disease. Read more about the immediate effect of alcohol.

Alcohol, health and the community

The consumption of alcohol can have profound effects on personal health as well as community health. Most people drink in moderation. However there is a substantial proportion of people who drink at levels that increase the risk of harm both to themselves and to others.

Alcohol can become addictive and research shows that alcohol is second only to tobacco as a preventable cause of death and hospitalisation in Australia. Alcohol can also have social consequences such as contributing to violence, crime and antisocial behaviour in the community.

Regular excessive alcohol consumption increases the risk over time of chronic ill health and premature death. Episodic heavy drinking places the drinker and others at risk of injury or death. Heavy drinking is also associated with injury, unwanted sexual relations and violence. Alcohol is a factor in approximately one in six fatal road crashes. Each year in Australia, approximately 3,100 people die as a result of excessive alcohol consumption and around 72,000 people are hospitalised (Ministerial Council on Drug Strategy, 2006).

By increasing a person’s confidence and reducing their inhibitions, alcohol makes people take risks they would not normally take. At the same time, heavy drinking reduces a person’s ability to think clearly and act in an appropriate way.

Binge-drinking is an ever increasing trend in Australia. This can be very dangerous as it makes the harms from alcohol worse. Also, because drinking excessively can stop you thinking clearly and acting sensibly, you may put yourself in danger.

Not only is binge drinking a health problem, but it can also cause problems for the licensed venue. These problems can seriously affect the image of the establishment, bringing it to the attention of police, councils, community groups and other customers, who are all able to make complaints or just not return.

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